Allco Projects - Scott Point Primary School

Scott Point Primary School

Project Requirements

Scott Point Primary School was a full new build, requiring a full tanking system.

Industry Sector



Allco’s Volclay Range

Project Details

Project Name: Scott Point Primary School

ApplicatorMPM Waterproofing Services 

BuilderHawkins Construction Ltd 

Architect: Ignite Architects Ltd 

Products Used: Volclay Voltex, Waterstop RX101T, Volclay Swelltite, Bentoseal, Cetcoat, Waterstoppage

Completed: March 2021

The Project 

Located in the beautiful suburb of Hobsonville, Scott Point Primary School serves the growing communities of Hobsonville and Scott Point. Designed by Ignite Architects the modern school includes over 1000m2 of open plan teaching spaces, amenities for staff and students, an administration block, lunchroom area for staff, along with car parking, drop off/pick up zone and an all-weather artificial turf centralised courtyard for students.

Allco’s TA Team conducted regular site visits providing onsite support and advice. Our Allco Applicator MPM Waterproofing performed an amazing job installing the waterproofing and working closely with Hawkins Construction ensuring the project was delivered on time and to highest standard.

Allco’s Volclay Voltex System and Waterstop RX were the preferred membranes for this tanking project, installed on top of the footings and cold joints. Cetseal to the beams and pipe penetrations in combination with Bentoseal.