Allco Projects - Wintec S Block Recover Roof

Wintec S Block Recover Roof

Project Requirements

Provide a cost-effective re-roofing solution that would not disrupt the tenants.


Industry Sector



Allco’s JM TPO ALLRITE Recover Roof

Project Details

Project Name: Wintec S Block Recover Roof

Applicator: D & R Membrane

Builder: Foster Maintain

Architect: Chow Hill Architects

Products Used: JM TPO Allrite Recover Roof

Completed: October 2022

The Project 

Project Requirement:

To provide a cost-effective re-roofing solution that would not disrupt the tenants.

Allco Solution:

The building is being used as a music studio and had developed a number of leaks in the roof. After having presented Allco’s Recover roof to staff at ChowHill Allco was contacted by Philip Kempster to discuss whether our system was suitable. After a full site inspection and assessment of the roof it was agreed that the Recover Roof system was an ideal solution as it meant no disruption to the students.

A seamless installation by D & R Membrane, that resulted in the perfect solution fitting the aesthetic of the building whilst maintaining the productivity of those occupying it.

The benefit of selecting a recover roof solution over alternative methods is it allowed for business activities to continue meaning no disruption to the building occupants. As a result the recover roof solution reduces both the cost and time associated with building maintenance.

Read more about Allco’s Recover Roof Solution here.